Saturday, November 21, 2009

Gathering Information

I've spent the last few nights gathering my research together and my journey journals as well. I'm missing some pieces which probably got misplaced during my recent move but I should find them soon. I truly want to start with that first journey, the first time I went to the other side and She revealed to me the fruits of all my studies and research. Sometimes the spiritual results are just as magnificent as archeological discoveries.

Digging into ones soul can be just reveal treasures just as rich as any pharoah's tomb.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Perceptions and Education

I was cruising the web looking over things on Lilith as I often do. I find it very interesting to see what other people have to say and exactly what their viewpoints are. Sometimes I leave comments depending on how gravely I find their information lacking, especially those without citing written material. Today I stumbled upon just one of those sites with a complete history of Lilith from beginning to end. I won't expose the name of the site as that would just be rude; however, the writer several times made comments in correction to the known mythos, translations and interpretations that have been recognized for years by scholars without citing proof for their argument.

The internet has created a space where opinions become written truth. A person merely needs to have an excellent writing ability to appear intelligent. In fact, I don't believe anyone should take anything I write as gospel, check it out for yourself.

Some of the books I emailed the writer of this site with today included the ones I have in my own library:

The Sumerians - C. Leonard Wooley
A God Who Looks like Me - Patricia Lynn Reilly
When God Was a Woman - Merlin Stone
Which Lilith - Enid Dame, Lilly Rivlin, Henney Wenkart
The Dark Moon Lilith in Astrology - Jacobson
The Book of Lilith - Barbara Black Koltuv, Ph.D.
Law Collections from Mesopotamia and Asia Minor - Martha T. Roth

History, law, culture, beliefs, mythos all tie together to make what we know the truth in Diety. Before I begin this blog full on let it be known I will be citing references for everything I can. The only things I cannot do so with would be my own spiritual journey's that I will use to describe in full how my own Dark Goddess appeared to me.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


It's been nearly 10 years since I started my journey with the Dark Mother. Although she's been with me all my life, it was then I became cognizant of her existence. A woman near and dear to my heart introduced me to Her and over the years I've come to realize the misperceptions that plague the depth of Her existence. From succubus, Mother of all Demons, first wife of Adam, wife of Samael, wind demon, stealer of Mother of all, Creatrix, Queen of Heaven, Keeper of Souls, Goddess of the Underworld, Earth Mother, the list goes on and on. How have we come to these obviously descriptive terms and who exactly is responsible for all of the shifts, the changes and where does She fit today in our fast paced society?

I hope that over the writings in this blog with the help of very trusted friends and those who I know have studied and researched as in depth as I have myself we can get to the bottom of the mystery that is...

The Dark Mother

Thor's Hammer

Hush don’t breathe
Not a sound
Air is listening
Wafting through

Carrying waves
Drawing him nearer
False moves
Thor’s hammer.

Sweet words
Drawing out
Salty tears

Tasting sweet
Washing clean
Briefly solemn
Wonder why?

Lilith came to see me today
Whispered in my ear,
“Grab hold,
Don’t let go

Stand strong,
Stand tall,
Make the demons
Find your desire
Expel yourself.”

I followed
She guided my hand
If only death
Could break the hammer
Ending his reign
Terror that engulfs Bleeding
Serous wound

Artemis yelling
Screaming incessant
Offering me
My soul won

Heart recaptured
Breaking the hammer.
Engulfing it slowly
Spitting sour entrails

Soul Won!
