Wednesday, November 18, 2009


It's been nearly 10 years since I started my journey with the Dark Mother. Although she's been with me all my life, it was then I became cognizant of her existence. A woman near and dear to my heart introduced me to Her and over the years I've come to realize the misperceptions that plague the depth of Her existence. From succubus, Mother of all Demons, first wife of Adam, wife of Samael, wind demon, stealer of Mother of all, Creatrix, Queen of Heaven, Keeper of Souls, Goddess of the Underworld, Earth Mother, the list goes on and on. How have we come to these obviously descriptive terms and who exactly is responsible for all of the shifts, the changes and where does She fit today in our fast paced society?

I hope that over the writings in this blog with the help of very trusted friends and those who I know have studied and researched as in depth as I have myself we can get to the bottom of the mystery that is...

The Dark Mother

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